Tuesday, September 17, 2013

We Missed The Boat

That is the bus which took us from the airfield to the bar we are sitting at. The journey took almost one hour.

More pics when we have recovered.

I'am jumping from subject to subject. Lots of things are happening at the same time.

We are waiting for food again. We are sitting on an island and I do not know which one, at a bar. Rain hammers down, the locals are busy organizing rooms, we need 6 or 7, the crews of the "small and slower" planes all got stranded here. The crews of the faster and bigger aircraft are now at a wonderful fancy hotel on another island. 

We missed the boat. The boat does not go in the dark. We arrived too late.

We had food, this time three bottles of beer, San Miguel, than a bottle of sparkling wine. Dietmar organized that one and I have no idea where from. I say: he thinks I deserve that bottle, the day was hectic. Thank you, my dear friend and husband. He might be right: We all deserve it. I do not know what I thought... The last flight, the last landing. My mind just switched off.

Now they informed us, the first car is leaving for a room, 30-45 min drive, we arrive at a resort, again after a helluva drive. The only difference it was a 4x4 with doors, again it was pitchdark, Motorcycles overtaking with NO Light on, hooting, waving, smoking, all at the same time.... I don't know how they do that.

We were shown to a room, I showered, than found that my suitcase was not in the room. The end of the story ... Dietmar had not put it in the car ... I had not put it in the car ... outside no suitcase ... car gone. ****

Thank God, I had my money belt on me. We went to bed and slept within seconds.

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